Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
Hydrology in La Araucania (Chile)
Mawün rainfall explorer launched !
Mawün rainfall explorer launched ! After more than one year of development, on September 1st 2020 an unprecedented web platform for exploring gridded precipitation products was launced as a new weather service at the CR2 website: Mawün: Mawün (“rain” in Mapuzungun) is an online platform dedicated to exploring different spatially...
Article on Water Resources Management in the Araucanía region (Chile) accepted for publication in IJWRD
The article “Modelling water resources for planning irrigation development in drought-prone southern Chile” was finally published on the International Journal of Water Resources Development journal. The Chilean Irrigation Commission (CNR) is evaluating an important expansion of irrigated areas in the Araucanía region in southern Chile. This work uses the WEAP...
hydroPSO v0.5-0 on CRAN
After a long amount of work, the new version of hydroPSO (v0.5-0) was released today March 18th 2020, and it is available on CRAN now Among its new features stand out: Full compatibility with (hydrological/environmental) models implemented as R functions (e.g., TUWmodel, GR4J, etc) New vignette showing how to...
hydroGOF v0.4-0 on CRAN
Following a request made by CRAN regarding compatibility issues with the upcoming version of R, the new version of hydroGOF (v0.4-0) was released today March 12th 2020, and it is available on CRAN now Among its new features stand out: Package tested against R Under development (unstable) (2020-03-10 r77920)...
hydroTSM v0.6-0 on CRAN
Following a request made by CRAN regarding compatibility issues with the upcoming version of R, the new version of hydroTSM (v0.6-0) was released today March 11th 2020, and it is available on CRAN now Among its new features stand out: Package tested against R Under development (unstable) (2020-03-10 r77920)...