During the week of April 15 to 19, 2024, two works will be presented by PhD(c) Fernando Gimeno in the European Geosciences Union Conference (EGU 2024), held in the city of Wien (Austria):

1) Spatially-distributed Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves for Chile using sub-daily gridded datasets. This works presents the development of Intensity-Duratin-Frequency (IDF) curves for the climatically and topographically diverse Chilean territory (17-56ºS), using both stationary and non-stationary approaches based on three state-of-the-art gridded datasets (IMERGv06B, ERA5, ERA5-Land). This collaboration was only possible thanks to funding provided by ANID-Fondecyt Regular 1212071, ANID-PCI NSFC 190018, and ANID-Fondecyt Iniciación 111908064.

2) Evaluation of soil mapping methods for SWAT hydrological model through multi-objective calibration. This work addresses the pressing need for robust soil input data for SWAT+ hydrological model, by evaluating assessing the performance of four different soil type maps in the respresenation of streamflows and soild moisture data in the mediterranean Cauquenes in Desembocadura River Basin. This work was only possible thanks to funding provided by ANID-Fondecyt Regular 1212071, ANID-PCI NSFC 190018.