Chi2 project on 'Exploradores 2020' (
by Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
On September 11th, 2020 the international cooperation project NSFC190018 “Management of global change impacts on hydrological extremes by coupling remote sensing data and an interdisciplinary modelling approach” appeared in the Exploradores 2020 program of the 24 horas Chilean TV channel (national coverage).
This short reportage was invited by the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), to describe the main objectives and expected results of this Chile-China cooperation. This project is a collaborative effort between the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR2), and the Universidad de Chile.
In this reportage, I described the objectives, pilot study areas (Petorca en Longotoma, Mapocho en Los Almendros, Cauquenes en Desembocadura, Trancura antes de Llafenco), the methodology (two hydrological models of different complexity forced by historical and future global change scenarios), and the expected results (land management planning strategies to decrease the negative impacts of global change on hydrologicl extreme events). In addition, Dra. Daniela Manuschevich described her work in the development of participatory workshops with local stakeholders in each one of the study areas, and the importance of considering them since the very beggining of this project.
This interview is available at Exploradores 2020 - Viernes 11 de septiembre from minute 2:34 to 6:42.
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