Seminario Cambio global y recursos hídricos: experiencias y desafíos
by Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
Researchers from the Universidad de La Frontera, U. de Chile, U. de los Lagos and the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, will meet this Friday, July 30th, to address some relevant issues from their professional and academic experience for the country and La Araucanía in terms of water resources.
Organized by the Doctorate program in Natural Resources Sciences, the Seminar “Global change and water resources: experiences and challenges”, aims to disseminate the advances and experiences related to national water resources and generate a space for discussion with public services , the university community and local actors related to water resources, addressing topics such as: climate change, drought, water security, new data sources, water allocation permits, land use management and its impact on water availability, and erosion in forested catchments.
The full note inviting to this Seminar can be read here
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