Seasonality Index
Function to compute the seasonality index defined by Walsh and Lawler (1981) to classify the precipitation regime.
- x
zoo object with daily or subdaily precipitation data.
- na.rm
Logical. Should missing values be removed?
-) TRUE : the monthly values are computed considering only those values different from NA
-) FALSE: if there is AT LEAST one NA within a month, the resulting average monthly value is NA .- from
OPTIONAL, used for extracting a subset of values.
Character indicating the starting date for the values to be extracted. It must be provided in the format specified bydate.fmt
.- to
OPTIONAL, used for extracting a subset of values.
Character indicating the ending date for the values to be extracted. It must be provided in the format specified bydate.fmt
.- date.fmt
Character indicating the format in which the dates are stored in dates, from and to. See
ONLY required whenclass(dates)=="factor"
.- start.month
[OPTIONAL]. Only used when the (hydrological) year of interest is different from the calendar year.
numeric in [1:12] indicating the starting month of the (hydrological) year. Numeric values in [1, 12] represents months in [January, December]. By default
The seasonality index is computed as following:
si = (1/R) *sum(i=1, i=12, abs(xi - R/12) )
-) xi: mean monthly precipitation for month i
-) R: mean annual precipitation
This index can theoretically vary from 0 (when all months have the same rainfall) to 1.83 (when all the rainfall ocurrs in a single month).
A qualitative classification of degrees of seasonality is the following:
si values | Rainfall regime
<= 0.19 | Very equable
0.20 - 0.39 | Equable but with a definite wetter season
0.40 - 0.59 | Rather seasonal with a short drier season
0.60 - 0.79 | Seasonal
0.80 - 0.99 | Markedly seasonal with a long drier season
1.00 - 1.19 | Most rain in 3 months or less
>= 1.20 | Extreme, almost all rain in 1-2 months
Walsh, R. and Lawler, D. (1981). Rainfall seasonality: Description, spatial patterns and change through time (British Isles, Africa). Weather, 36(7), 201-208. doi:10.1002/j.1477-8696.1981.tb05400.x.
Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini, mzb.devel@gmail
## Ex 1: Seasonality index for a rain gauge with equable precipitation ,
## but with a definite wetter season
## Loading daily precipitation data at the station San Martino di Castrozza,
## Trento Province, Italy, from 01/Jan/1921 to 31/Dec/1990.
x <- SanMartinoPPts
## Amount of years in 'x' (needed for computations)
( nyears <- yip(from=start(x), to=end(x), out.type="nmbr" ) )
## Boxplot of monthly values, to look at the seasonal cycle
## Daily to Monthly
m <- daily2monthly(x, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
## Mean monthly values at the station
monthlyfunction(m, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE) / nyears
## Vector with the three-letter abbreviations of the month names
cmonth <- format(time(m), "%b")
## Creating ordered monthly factors
months <- factor(cmonth, levels=unique(cmonth), ordered=TRUE)
## Boxplot of the monthly values of precipitation
boxplot( coredata(m) ~ months, col="lightblue",
main="Monthly precipitation, [mm]", ylab="P, [mm]")
# computing seasonality index
( si(x) )
## Ex 2: Seasonality index for a rain gauge with markedly seasonal regime
## with a long dry season
## Loading daily precipitation data at the station Cauquenes en El Arrayan,
## Maule Region, Chile, from 01/Jan/1979 to 31/Dec/2020.
x <- Cauquenes7336001[, 1] # P is the first column
## Boxplot of monthly values, to look at the seasonal cycle
## Daily to Monthly
m <- daily2monthly(x, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
## Mean monthly values at the station
monthlyfunction(m, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE) / nyears
## Vector with the three-letter abbreviations of the month names
cmonth <- format(time(m), "%b")
## Creating ordered monthly factors
months <- factor(cmonth, levels=unique(cmonth), ordered=TRUE)
## Boxplot of the monthly values of precipitation
boxplot( coredata(m) ~ months, col="lightblue",
main="Monthly precipitation, [mm]", ylab="P, [mm]")
# computing seasonality index
( si(x) )