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Changes in version 0.7-0 16-Jan-2024

New features

    o '(sub)daily2monthly':  -) new argument 'na.rm.max' to define the maximum percentage of missing values allowed in each month to keep the monthly aggregated value in the output object.

    o 'subdaily2daily'    :  -) new argument 'na.rm.max' to define the maximum percentage of missing values allowed in each day.
                             -) new argument 'start.fmt' to indicate the format used in 'start'.
                             -) new argument 'tz' to indicate the time zone used for both 'x' and start' arguments.
    o 'daily2annual'      :  -) new argument 'na.rm.max' to  to define the maximum percentage of missing values allowed in each year.
    o 'daily2monthly'     :  -) new argument 'na.rm.max' to  to define the maximum percentage of missing values allowed in each month.
    o 'subdaily2annual'   :  -) new argument 'na.rm.max' to  to define the maximum percentage of missing values allowed in each year.

    o 'hip'               : -) new argument 'tz' to allow the user to specify the desired time zone.

    o 'hydroplot'         : -) new argument 'dates' in order to facilitate the transformation into zoo when working with data.frame objects
                            -) 'from' argument has a default value of NULL
                            -) 'to' argument has a default value of NULL    
    o 'sname2plot'        : -) 'from' argument has a default value of NULL
                            -) 'to' argument has a default value of NULL

    o 'climograph'        :  -) now it plots the minimum and maximum temperature when they are provided 
                             -) new argument 'start.month' to choose the starting month for the climograph (1=Jan, 12=Dec).
                             -) new argument 'tmn.col' to choose the color to be used to plot the minimum monthly temperature
                             -) new argument 'tmx.col' to choose the color to be used to plot the maximum monthly temperature
                             -) new argument 'pcp.labels' to decide whether to show the numeric values above the monthly precipitation bars
                             -) new argument 'tmean.labels' to decide whether to show the numeric values above the monthly mean temperature lines
                             -) new argument 'tmx.labels' to decide whether to show the numeric values above the monthly maximum temperature lines
                             -) new argument 'tmn.labels' to decide whether to show the numeric values above the monthly minimum temperature lines
                             -) new argument 'pcp.labels.cex' to specify the relative scaling of the monthly precipitation values shown in the climograph
                             -) new argument 'temp.labels.cex' to specify the relative scaling of the monthly air temperature values (mean, maximum, minimum) shown in the climograph
                             -) new arguments 'temp.labels.dx' and 'temp.labels.dy' to specify the position of air temperature labels
                             -) new argument 'plot.pcp.probs' to decide whether to show uncertainty values around the monthly mean precipitation values
                             -) new argument 'pcp.probs' to define the quantile values used to show uncertainty values around the monthly mean precipitation values
                             -) new argument 'plot.temp.probs' to decide whether to show uncertainty values around the monthly mean temperature values (and also around maximum and minimum temperature, when provided) 
                             -) new argument 'temp.probs' to define the quantile values used to show uncertainty values around the monthly mean temperature values (and also around maximum and minimum temperature, when provided) 
                             -) new argument 'temp.probs.col' to define the colors used to show uncertainty values around the monthly mean temperature values (and also around maximum and minimum temperature, when provided) 
                             -) new argument 'temp.probs.alpha' to define the transparency level applied to 'temp.probs.col'
                             -) new arguments 'lat' and 'lon' to define and show the latitude and longitude, respectively, for which the climograph was plotted.

    o 'izoo2rzoo'         :  -) improved handling of sub-daily time series
                             -) new argument 'tz' to correctly handle sub-daily zoo objects
                             -) default value for 'date.fmt' argument was changed from "%Y-%m-%d" to missing (it is automatically detected based on the sampling frequency of 'x')
                             -) default value for 'tstep' argument was changed from "days" to missing (it is automatically detected based on the sampling frequency of 'x')

Changes in version 0.5-0 07-Aug-2017

    o repository management moved from SVN to GIT, including rforge.
    o citation with DOI is now possible (and new CITATION file).
    o new function 'climograph' to draw a climograph based on precipitation and temperature data.
    o 'subdaily2daily'   : -) now it works with several (all?) FUN functions, including 'sum', 'min', 'max'. (thanks to Jamis Bruening !))
    o 'subdaily2daily'   : -) now it works with several (all?) FUN functions, including 'sum', 'min', 'max'. (thanks to Jamis Bruening !))
    o 'monthlyfunction'  : -) argument '...' is now taken into account.
    o 'seasonalfunction' : -) argument '...' is now taken into account.
    o 'annualfunction'   : -) argument '...' is now taken into account.
    o 'hydrokrige'       : -) 'require(maptools)' was replaced by 'requireNamespace("maptools", quietly = TRUE)'
                           -) calls to 'overlay' were replaced by calls to 'over' because 'overaly' was deprecated in 'sp' 1.1-0.
                           -) new examples about how to get the interpolated values in each cell and polygon when 'type="both"' is used (thanks to Jochen Scholtes !)
    o 'mspplot   '       : -) 'require(maptools)' was replaced by 'requireNamespace("maptools", quietly = TRUE)'
    o 'hypsometric'      : -) fixed (very unusual) error: "Error en integrate(f = f, lower = 0, upper = 1) : maximum number of subdivisions reached"
                              (thanks to Jose Martinez Batlle !)
    o 'extract'          : -) 'trgt' argument allows multiple months or years to be selected (when 'class(trgt) %in% c("integer", "numeric")')
    o 'fdc'              : -) 'cex.lab'  argument is working now (thanks to Elcin Tan !).
                           -) new example about computing streamflow values corresponding to a given percentage of time equalled or exceeded (thanks to Prajjwal Panday !) 
                           -) corrected small error in the documentation of 'lQ.thr' and 'hQ.thr' (thanks to Luis Andrés Guillén !)
    o 'daily2annual.zoo' : -) fixed bug appeared in R 3.2.x (or 3.1.2) which raised an error for data.frames when 'out.fmt="%Y"': Error in format.default(structure(as.character(x), names = names(x), dim = dim(x),  : 
    o 'drawTimeAxis      : -) new argument 'mgp' to provide greater flexibility.
    o DESCRIPTION file   : -) 'sp' now requires version >= 1.1-0, because 'overlay' was deprecated in that version of 'sp'
                           -) 'lattice' package was moved from 'Suggests' to 'Imports' (use of 'levelplot' function in 'matrixplot').
                           -) 'maptools' package was moved from 'Suggests' to 'Imports' (use of 'readShapePoly' function in 'hydrokrige')
                           -) Packages 'stats', 'utils', 'methods', 'graphics', 'grDevices' are now added in the Imports section.
                           -) CRAN website removed from URL field in DESCRIPTION file (requested by CRAN). Only is shown now.
    o NAMESPACE file     : -) several functions explicitly imported from the c(stats, utils, methods, graphics, grDevices) to be compatible with R 3.3.0.
                           -) 'plot.xts' NOT used anymore, to avoid error raised by xts>=0.10-0
                           -) 'index' and 'time<-' imported from 'zoo' package.
                           -) 'over', 'coordinates<-', 'proj4string<-' imported from 'sp' package.
                           -) 'readShapePoly' imported from 'maptools' package.
                           -) 'start', 'end' and 'window', 'aggregate' are now explicitly imported from the 'stats' package (affects 'dwi', 'izoo2rzoo' and 'monthlyfunction')
                           -) Fifty three (53) S3 methods are now registered.

Changes in version 0.4-2 21-Jan-2014

    o 'fdc'                        : -) 'lwd' argument is now used (thanks to Bernard Bisselink !)
                                     -) fixed error raised when some element(s) in x were equal to zero, 'plot=TRUE' and 'log=y' or 'log=xy'
                                        (thanks to David Young !). The error was: 
                                        Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ
    o 'sname2plot'                 : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o 'sname2ts'                   : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o 'monthlyfunction.matrix'     : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o '' : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o 'annualfunction.matrix'      : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o ''  : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o 'seasonalfunction.matrix'    : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o '': 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o 'daily2annual.matrix'        : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o ''    : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o 'daily2monthly.matrix'       : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o ''   : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o 'dm2seasonal.matrix'         : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o ''     : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o ''      : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o ''             : 'dates' argument is not required any more
    o 'maptools:::readShapePoly' was replaced by 'maptools::readShapePoly' in all the package (functions 'hydrokrige' and 'mspplot')
    o 'require(xts)' was removed from 'hydroplot'
    o 'zoo' package removed from 'Imports' and 'Enhances' (due to changes in CRAN policies)
    o 'xts' package removed from 'Imports' (due to changes in CRAN policies)
    o improved vignette (moved from Sweave to knitr)

Changes in version 0.4-0 31-May-2013

    o major changes: -) all the functions should now be compatible with sub-daily time series. See details below.
                     -) package is now tested against R 3.0.X
                     -) updated vignette. Now it includes some examples about computation of extreme indices of daily precipitation.
                     -) new dataset: 'KarameaAtGorgeQts', with hourly streamflows for the Karamea River(New Zeland), provided by the 
                        National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (, thanks to the kind collaboration 
                        of Shailesh Singh.
                     -) e-mail address of maintainer was changed from the to the domain
                     -) DESCRIPTION: new 'MailingList' field, indicating the r-sig mailing list to be used for questions related to this 

    o new function: 'subdaily2daily' for aggregating sub-daily values into daily ones
    o new function: 'subdaily2monthly' for computing monthly values from sub-daily time series        
    o new function: 'subdaily2annual' for computing annual values from sub-daily time series 
    o new function: 'subdaily2seasonal' for computing seasonal values for every year of a sub-daily time series
    o new function: 'hip' for creating a sequence (or counting the number) of hours between two date/time objects   
    o 'sname2plot'                 : -) new argument 'season.names', to customise the names of the weather seasons used for plotting 
                                     -) default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)  
    o 'hydroplot'                  : new argument 'season.names', to customise the names of the weather seasons used for plotting 
    o 'daily2monthly'              : now it handles sub-daily and weekly values         
    o 'daily2annual'               : now it handles sub-daily, weekly and quarterly values      
    o 'monthlyfunction'            : now it handles sub-daily values 
    o 'dm2seasonal'                : -) now it handles sub-daily and weekly values 
                                     -) improved examples
    o 'time2season'                : now it handles "POSIXct" and "POSIXt" values       
    o 'seasonalfunction.zoo'       : season names are now correctly given (instead of just numbers) for zoo objects that are matrix/data.frame 
                                     as well
    o 'annualfunction.zoo'         : 'na.rm' argument is now used when the input zoo object is a matrix/data.frame (previously a single value 
                                      of 1 was artificially introduced to the annual ts of each column when 'na.rm=TRUE', while a single value 
                                      of 0 was artificially introduced to the annual ts of each column when 'na.rm=FALSE') => generally a very 
                                      small difference
    o 'dip'                        : more informative error messages  
    o 'mip'                        : more informative error messages      
    o 'yip'                        : more informative error messages                                                        
    o 'monthlyfunction.matrix'     : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)
    o '' : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)  
    o 'annualfunction.matrix'      : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)
    o ''  : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)  
    o 'seasonalfunction.matrix'    : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)
    o '': default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)                                              
    o 'daily2annual.matrix'        : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)
    o ''    : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)   
    o 'daily2monthly.matrix'       : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)
    o ''   : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)  
    o 'dm2seasonal.matrix'         : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)
    o ''     : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing) 
    o ''      : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)    
    o 'sname2ts'                   : default value for 'dates' argument was set to 1 (before it was missing)  
    o 'zoo2RHtest'                 : broken links were removed and replaced by new ones. Thanks to Gang Dong and Yan Li !
    o NAMESPACE                    : functions from packages zoo and xts are now imported explicitly            

– Previous Releases: see old file ‘ChangeLog’

version 0.3-6 18-Oct-2012

CRAN release: 2012-10-18

version 0.3-5 04-Jul-2012

CRAN release: 2012-07-04

version 0.3-4 03-May-2012

CRAN release: 2012-05-03

version 0.3-3 07-Nov-2011

CRAN release: 2011-11-07

version 0.3-2 15-Sep-2011

CRAN release: 2011-09-15

version 0.3-1 14-Sep-2011

CRAN release: 2011-09-14

version 0.3-0 01-Sep-2011

CRAN release: 2011-09-01

version 0.2-2 14-Apr-2011

CRAN release: 2011-04-14

version 0.2-1 30-Nov-2010

CRAN release: 2010-11-30

version 0.2-0 10-Oct-2010

CRAN release: 2010-10-11

version 0.1.7 05-Mar-2009 (It was never released, because it finally becomes v0.2-0)

version 0.1.6 30-Nov-2009

version 0.1.5 16-Nov-2009

version 0.1.4 02-Nov-2009

version 0.1.3 13-Oct-2009

version 0.1.2 01-Oct-2009

version 0.1.1 15-Sep-2009

version 0.1.0 07-Sep-2009 (but the functions were developed since 2007)