International projects

Chilean projects

  • 2021-2024: Fondecyt Regular 1212071. The catchment’s memory: understanding how hydrological extremes are modulated by antecedent soil moisture conditions in a warmer climate. Principal investigator. Funding agency: ANID, Chile.

  • 2021-2024: Fondecyt Regular 1210932. Improving forest water yield and productivity quantification at the catchment scale by mapping root depth and eco-physiological thresholds with remote sensing and water transfer modeling. Co-I. Funding agency: ANID, Chile.

  • 2023-2026: Fondecyt Regular 1230792. Triggers of Rainfall-Induced Landslides in volcanic soils EXperiment: towards a fully understating of the water role in slope instability in the Southern Andes (TRILEX). Co-I. Funding agency: ANID, Chile.

  • 2022-2023: ANID-Sequía FSEQ210001. Drought and water security platform for catchment planning: historical evolution and future trajectories under global change. Co-I. Funding agency: ANID, Chile. Concurso Fondo de Investigación Estratégica en Sequía (Asignación Rápida) año 2021.

  • 2017-2020: Fondecyt Regular 1171560. Assessing spatio-temporal impacts of global change on water and biomass production processes at catchment scale: a synergistic approach based on remote sensing and coupled hydrological models to improve sustainable management of forest ecosystems. Co-I. Funding agency: CONICYT, Chile.

  • 2016-2018: Fondecyt Iniciación 11150861. Understanding the relationship between the spatio-temporal characteristics of meteorological drought and the availability of water resources, by using satellite-based rainfall and snow-cover data. A case study in a data-scarce Andean Chilean catchment. Principal investigator. Funding agency: CONICYT, Chile.

  • 2016-2018: Fondecyt Regular 1160656. Hillslope water storage and runoff processes: linking climate variability and interannual storage. Co-I. Funding agency: CONICYT, Chile.

  • 2016: 14ENI2-26866. Prototipo de una arquitectura de big data para encontrar asociaciones espacio-temporales entre las variables hidrometeorológicas de una cuenca del sur de Chile, Región de La Araucanía.. Co-I. Funding agency: CORFO, Chile.