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hydroGOF is an R package that provides S3 functions implementing both statistical and graphical goodness-of-fit measures between observed and simulated values, mainly oriented to be used during the calibration, validation, and application of hydrological models.

Missing values in observed and/or simulated values can be automatically removed before the computations.

Bugs / comments / questions / collaboration of any kind are very welcomed.


Installing the latest stable version from CRAN:


Alternatively, you can also try the under-development version from Github:

if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")

Reporting bugs, requesting new features

If you find an error in some function, or want to report a typo in the documentation, or to request a new feature (and wish it be implemented :) you can do it here



To cite hydroGOF in publications use:

Zambrano-Bigiarini, Mauricio (2024). hydroGOF: Goodness-of-fit functions for comparison of simulated and observed hydrological time series. R package version 0.6-0. URL: doi:10.5281/zenodo.839854.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

title = {hydroGOF: Goodness-of-fit functions for comparison of simulated and observed hydrological time series},
author = {Zambrano-Bigiarini, Mauricio},
note = {R package version 0.6-0},
year = {2024}, url = {},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.839854},

Goodness-of-fit measures

Quantitative statistics included in this package are:



Here you can find an introductory vignette illustrating the use of several hydroGOF functions.

See Also